You have been reading about CityKidz' Stories here at the blog for the last several weeks, now you can go watch our show that tells all about it! Go watch it! Now!
We wrapped up another Wednesday afternoon outreach here at the church with more fruit added to the tree! If you remember, not only do we host a children's program, complete with a ride to the church, a meal and the CityKidz' Stories Bible lesson, but we also host a program for the youth of the neighborhood, which also involves a ride to the church from the youth's school, a meal and a Bible lesson as well.
This week's content? Fruit-bearing trees.
In the children's lesson, Mr. O.T. Hinklee and the Bass Monster shared with the Green Van Villain Gang and the kids in the audience that God created us to bear good fruit for Him, just like a fruit tree was created to bear fruit. The lesson covered Psalm 1 and Mr. Hinklee illustrated what happens to a fruit tree when it is fed poison and not nurtured and compared it to a fruit tree that was well cared for and fed the right things. The illustration was done in his "Doodlebook" and you can watch the film the kids saw below. As the film played, Mr. Hinklee spoke, telling the kids what was being drawn.
After the video, the kids learned to be aware of the music they listen to, the television shows they watch and what they view on the internet. They were encouraged to "feed" themselves with songs, shows and books of God and His things so they might grow to produce good fruit.
Donnie used art and illustration with the youth to discuss living a life full of fruit for God versus being an empty hollow shell, which produces nothing. He used this illustration first to share the gospel, then to encourage those who know Christ to really chase after Him and live for His glory. Then they were offered a chance to sign up for a Disciple Now weekend which would prepare them to go to other neighborhoods and share their testimony!
I feel like this week we pulled out the creative guns for God! Both programs made use of music and different forms of art, from sketching, stencils and spray paint, and even works with oil paints. The kids program involved puppets and fully costumed characters, and the Bass Monster.
Why? To give a fresh look at the words of God from scripture. We hope to share His words using as much of our collective, creative talent as we can muster. This is one topic we discuss here at the church, when you go into the neighborhoods, there is a complete lack of positive creativity and design. We have seen the fruit in using creativity, and encouraging creativity amongst the kids. Just another tool God allows us to use in sharing His love!
Last night CityKidz' Stories performed Episode 2 "Bad Habit" for the children from the neighborhood. The same schedule is played through every Wednesday, kids are picked up from their house, dropped off here at the church. From there they go to the cafe and eat a wholesome meal, then move into the auditorium for the start of the show!
This week a new creature made it's debut, "The Bad Habit"! The show started off with Lil' Morris trying to ditch this little critter. Mr. Hinklee and the Bass Monster tried to warn Lil' Morris that bad habits aren't so easily dropped! Sure enough, The Green Van Villain Gang shows up, with Lil' Morris AND the Bad Habit! Not only is Lil' Morris back following the Bad Habit, but the whole gang is infected by it too!
But no worries, Bass Monster, as always, has the answer from scripture and what God tells us to do about those things that keep us from Him. By the end of the night, the kids had learned that bad habits make us feel guilty, and unloved, which is a lie. Instead we are each loved by God in spite of our bad habits, and if we want to end those habits, we can follow what James tells us in chapter 4 verse 7 of his book, "Submit to God...resist the Devil...he will flee!
The kids even had a chance to offer up some of there bad habits to God by placing them in a food dish for the Bass Monster to devour!
We had a lot of fun, but in the end it all comes to a serious point, do they know the free gift of God through Jesus? There was a quiet moment at the end of the show, and the kids were taught they are dearly loved by God, and He wants them to know it! They were taught how Jesus provides the way for us to be able to have that relationship with a God who has no bad habits. During the invitation, over 10 kids went with counselors to pray and ask Jesus into their heart!
We can see God working in the hearts of these little ones. When we do a show, kids are coming to know Christ, and seeds are being spread everywhere! This is the main reason of us being here, to spread the message of love of God through Christ!
Again this week we will be postponing the children's program until next Wednesday (02/16), when the forecast is calling for 60 degrees! Everyone stay warm!
Due to the dangerously cold weather here in Amarillo, the outreach program for this evening has been canceled. Please stay home, warm and safe with your families. Thanks to everyone for making our first week the success it was and we look forward to next Wednesday's program! Stay warm!