I have to admit, this blog has been quiet for the last two weeks, but for very good reason. Last week we were wrapped up in preparing for the work God had planned for spring break, and what a great work it was!
Our youth group just returned last night from their mission trip to McKinney, Texas where they reached out into neighborhoods to share the gospel. They worked a VBS there over a three day period using crafts, puppets and teaching, sports and the Bass Monster to share God's love through Christ. Stay tuned next week for a deeper report on that trip!

But just because our youth were gone with several of the church's adults, doesn't mean we kicked back and rested here. God had plans for our entire outreach program here and McKinney! Starting this last Monday all the way through Thursday we worked our neighborhoods with lunch and ministry in the streets, loving on the regular kids that attend and reaching out to any we could find! On top of that, we held VBS in our park across the street down here on Polk and 2nd.

We fed around 300 lunches a day this week, and hosted over 150 kids from the neighborhoods at the VBS. Every lunch sack contained a well rounded meal, with something warm, fruit, juice, dessert, and of course popcorn. It also contained the "Lost Son" story from the Bible, which, whenthe child came to VBS, would see it acted out by Mr. O.T. Hinklee, his son N.T. and a few other of the puppet friends from Wednesday night's program.
Citychurch also hosted over 150 youth volunteers from local churches, a group from Burleson, Texas and even a group from Alaska! All week these youth had a chance to clean, cook and sack the lunches, and deliver them to the kids at lunchtime out in the neighborhood. After lunches were delivered each day, they returned to the park where they would have the chance to become a best friend to any of the many kids here for VBS.
At VBS the CityKidz' Stories troupe acted out the "Lost Son" story told by Jesus. We also used crafts, had a small group teaching time, and a recreation time to teach the kids about the love God has for them, and His desire for them to know Him through believing in Jesus. Every kid had an opportunity to pray and receive Jesus into their heart and many were saved!

But the program doesn't end there. We know where these kids can be found so we can continue to minister to them and their families and teach them how they can live a new life loving God! After the major work accomplished this week, glory and credit can only be given to God. Both programs were a success and we have no doubt that His love shines through for these kids. Thanks to God, supporters and volunteers. The kids from the neighborhood and us here at Citychurch appreciate you!