Tuesday, May 24, 2011

...with the least amount of resources.

"Let us reach the largest amount of kids with the least amount of resources." - Pastor Don Lane

This is a staple prayer  around Citychurch and is exactly that we are doing this summer in our lunch program.  With gas prices going up, we needed a way to cut the cost of running all the vans, so, out of 9 neighborhood routes, 3 of them will be ran on bicycles.  That's right!  Bicycles.

We have built cargo trailers to be pulled by some utility bikes and each can carry around 100 or so lunches.  We also notified the volunteer youth groups to bring their bikes along, so they can ride into the neighborhood with us.

It's a fun thing for the kids we feed too!  A bicycle is an important mode of transportation for any child, especially down here, and for us to pull up on bicycles with trailers helps provide a connection with those kids, not to mention the food passed along to them!

But not only is it a fun, creative and efficient way of feeding and connecting with the kids, it also goes to show how easy outreach can be.  You don't have to have a fleet of vans and commercial kitchen with 1000s of volunteers to feed hungry kids.  It can be as simple as making up some pb&j sandwiches in your home kitchen.  Then have your family hop on some bicycles and spend the afternoon riding up and down your local neighborhood, sharing the food with some hungry kids and spending time just getting to know them!

We welcome anyone to come down this summer and join us in the ministry.  Bring your whole family and your bikes and ride with one of us delivering lunches and sharing the love of Jesus.  If you don't have bikes, we have some extras.  And if you don't think you want to ride a bike route, then you still have 6 other routes done in vans you can ride along with.

We look forward to riding with you this summer, be it van or bicycle!  Also, keep up with our posts this summer for pictures and videos of the lunch deliveries.

All to share Christ!

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fill The Bag and Feed A Child

It's almost summer!  And that means we need to gear up for feeding the kids daily in the neighborhood.  I could write paragraph after paragraph about our summer ministry, or you could just watch our video about it here:
Video - Fill The Bag and Feed A Child

And find more information here:
Info - Fill The Bag and Feed A Child...


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