Monday, June 27, 2011

Citychurch presents...Jesus!

This morning, instead of loading lunches into our bikes and trailer for delivery, my sidekick Cannon (one of our youth) and I loaded up in the old "Citychurch Racing Van" and lurched down Polk street to the old Mary Hazelrigg neighborhood.  This week our neighborhood, along with North Heights, visits our park for a summer bible school!  For the kids from Mary Hazelrigg it was something new.  This neighborhood is a newly added route to our lunch and pastoring ministry and the last few weeks of serving these kids lunches was for the opportunity this week to present to them...Jesus!

We have fed 80 to 85 kids in this neighborhood.  Some are waiting for the bikes as they come down the road, but some are kept shut up inside the house, by mothers afraid of the surrounding neighborhood.  But they are always glad to see us, and somewhat relieved.  This place is loaded with sweet families, with hearts open to love.

As the vans were loaded this morning, the kids were silent, something unusual for a Citychurch van full of kids!  They weren't sure what to expect, having never been on a venture with us.  They didn't know each other, or really where they were going.  Some had a hard time leaving their moms.  But they came!

Our park is loaded with bouncers and slip 'n' slides, games, snow cones, snacks and lunches.  It is like a small carnival coming to town.  The basketball court is alive and the concession stand is serving.  Kids get to crawl all over the 40 foot rock wall cross and the two jungle gyms in the back, then build sand castles in our giant sandbox.

After playing, the visiting youth group pulls all the kids together, shuts down all the distractions, then teaches and leads the kids into something most of them don't know exists...worship of God!  It was sweet.  The worship is good.  It points the kids to the idea of God as a father and his love for us shown through Jesus Christ.  Today, after their hearts worshiped, they were led through a bible story of Jesus healing the centurion's child, introducing them to faith.  

And during the entire bible school time, the kids become best friends with the junior high and high school students and visiting adults who come with hearts ready to serve and love.

Needless to say the van ride home wasn't quiet, not even close.  The kids had new friendships with one another.  They had a blast at the park and they had hearts open to love with a seed of faith planted deep in it.  I told the guy riding with me that we just witnessed the work of God's love in these youngster's lives.  They are ready for tomorrow, as am I and I know, as is God.  We present Jesus everyday this week to these sweet kids and He begins a lifelong work in them!

- Jeremy (follow me personally on twitter @tendingfigs for daily updates and things that happen on the lunch route)

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