Citychurch just wrapped up it's Christmas program and has started off the new year with a new season of outreach programs for the kids, youth and families in the neighborhoods we serve. We don't just serve these families during summer and Christmas, but all year round...that's 12 months of ministry! There is something every Sunday and Wednesday!

We produce dynamic programs to teach the youth and kids on a weekly basis the truth about God. Every Wednesday there is a quality kids puppet show, not just for entertainment, but to express God's truth in a way that is fresh to their hearts and minds. For example, Mr. Hinklee is back with Bass Monster and the gang. Last season they ran a Good News Bike Messenger Shop, this season? A television network, BFN (Bible Friends Network). The puppet set resembles a backstage view of a tv studio and the kids watch as puppets, Bass Monster and Mr. Hinklee produce tv shows to share the message of Jesus.
Dusty, a puppet we made here! |
But they don't just watch. There are segments where they interact personally with the puppets, play games, win prizes, and sing praise songs. There are cartoons and videos, which are produced here, to illustrate scripture lessons along with live characters and puppets. And all this happens within one 20 minute program!
There is a separate program for the youth on Wednesdays, which begins right after school. They have their own hang out spot here at the church, where Godly hip-hop music is dj-ed along with games and of course a teenagers much needed social time. But that funnels them in to a program where they learn of worship and the truth about God. Donnie will lead them through a lesson using creative and artistic projects designed to interact with each student.
Kids learning they can "TRUST" God. |
As a church, we have a responsibility to the families we serve to invest into their spiritual education. We go beyond telling them of God's love and invest further in showing it to them. Jesus is concerned with our needs and throughout scripture He shows us He is sensitive to them. An immediate need the kids, youth and families have here is in the area of a decent meal and that is something God has supplied us to fulfill. When they come to church, whether it is Wednesday night or Sunday morning or even a special event these kids know they are going to enjoy a great meal. God expresses His love through the church in meeting that immediate need.
Citychurch is here for one purpose, to share the love of Christ with those who need to know it and feel it. We are committed to ministry 12 months out of the year, and God has been faithful in providing the resources through you who support us. We invite you to attend one of our events and take part in the work God has called us to and we thank all of you for your prayers and support!