Thursday, April 28, 2011

Closing Out April

The month of April draws to a close, and we have an average attendance of about 100 kids coming to the Wednesday night CityKidz' Stories program...amazing!  With so many kids here we had to split the program up into two shows on Wednesday night.  The younger kids go to a 6:15pm show and the older kids come in for the second show around 6:45pm.  Each show confronts a problem in their neighborhood, one they are familiar with, and teaches them how Jesus and scripture are the answer!

Our audience grew quite a bit, and pretty quick!  Part of it has to do with the van drivers.  We have a group of wonderful volunteer van drivers that truly love these kids.  They run the same routes Wednesdays and Sundays, making them a consistent figure in their lives.  This allows them to develop a relationship with the kids, one of care and respect.  Not only that, but the drivers are always on the lookout for new kids on their route.  They invite new kids to load up with the rest of the crew for a night at Citychurch.  A big thanks and "job well done" to the serving hearts of our van drivers.

Another part of the growth comes by word of mouth.  The kids are attending and having  a blast.  They know this is a safe place where the adults love and care for them.  They know they will have a chance to enjoy a warm, filling meal.  They know they will have fun in the park and enjoy watching a puppet show that mocks the bad things they see in the neighborhood.  And they know they will hear about God's love for them through Jesus...true hope.  Deep down this is what they are seeking.  So, they share what they experience here with their friends.  They invite them along and before you know it we are having to add another van to a route, add another show, cook more food and pray for more volunteers who will care about the lost.

April is coming to an end this week.  The month of May will see two more Wednesday night programs, then we will spend some time creating a fresh look to take us through the summer!  There is plenty of work to be done, and plenty of outreach to look forward to! 

Of course all bragging rights go directly to our Lord.  Without His grace none of this can be accomplished.  Jesus is who we glorify here, knowing His love for us and the kids is what drive us to share, it is the only thing that can be trusted in and the only reason we can have any hope.


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